took the banshee out to the sand pits with my buddy on his raptor 660. when were leaving we go down the dirt trail to get out of the pits, when we get out were at the spot where the trail turns into the road we stop and wait for my dad. so we go rippin down the dirt road a few time and i see this SUV drivin up and there is no way in hell i could tell it was a cop. i rode by and still didnt know, he didnt flash the lights or wave me over or nuthin. so i turned around and went back onto the trail. then i stop with my buddy and were still waiting for my dad cuz he was in the truck. the cop pulls up like 5 minutes later and says we tried to run from him. he asks for ownership and everything and i have mine and my friend didnt. the f**cking cop gives ME a ticket and not my friend!!!! now i owe $110 and it might go as sumthing on my driving liscence, dont know yet. but WTF!!!! im pissed.
on the up side i know the banshee can handle like 40 feet of air and land good, plus i figured out how to kickflip today!! ive been tryin forever.
on the up side i know the banshee can handle like 40 feet of air and land good, plus i figured out how to kickflip today!! ive been tryin forever.