dooshbag cop!!!!

you need to check the laws, here you can't have an atv running on public roads or in ditches. the way the law is written you can get a ticket for firing up your atv in the back of your truck or on a trailer if its parked on the side of the road.
common fix to the problem is dont have your atv on or near a road. cops are only doing their job just like we get up every morning and go do ours.
The way I'm reading this, is that he is more upset about the fact that he got a ticket and his buddy didn't when they were bothing doing the same thing and he was more legal than the other guy, and tbh I would be just a pissed. I think a little talk with the judge would be in store if it was me, but that is just me.
The way I'm reading this, is that he is more upset about the fact that he got a ticket and his buddy didn't when they were bothing doing the same thing and he was more legal than the other guy, and tbh I would be just a pissed. I think a little talk with the judge would be in store if it was me, but that is just me.

ya i doubt it would hold up in court.the cop will have to explain why he gave you a ticket and not your friend.and who knows maybe the cop wont show up to happend to me.
You never know until you try, and giving the situation you might have a good chance. The two people I know that went to court (for other charges) and the cop didn't show got there charges dropped, and one was like a 500 dollar fine.
I watched a guy call a cop an a-hole once,... ever see a 5 page fix it ticket on a baja bug??

No front right turn signal
no front left turn signal
improper fender coverage left front
improper fender coverage right front
improper fender coverage left rear
improperfender coverage right rear

yea i have cause a cop almost wrote me the same damn ticket on my old baja. he followed me home on it and then he knew my dad so i got let off that time. he had around 26 charges against me. basterd lol
The way I'm reading this, is that he is more upset about the fact that he got a ticket and his buddy didn't when they were bothing doing the same thing and he was more legal than the other guy, and tbh I would be just a pissed. I think a little talk with the judge would be in store if it was me, but that is just me.

and yes, if it in any way affects my liscense im gonna fight it.
the confusing thing is that he wrote on the ticket it was for tresspassing and no plates, i thought if it was tresspassing it was private land, and if its private land do i still need plates? and if its private land how is it a public road. this is all a big load of bullshit.