Don't let your dad mess with your toys

That blows. I swear my dad has no clue that you need to let a 2stroke warm up before wfo.. drives me insane... thats why I never let him ride my bike anymore.

there are so many people that dont know that my friend took his polaris ps 2stroke out in -10 degrees fires it up and goes as fast as possible then he laughs at me cause i warm my stuff up then i told him about cold siezures
lmao nah I dont think it was from drinking cuz he wasnt drinking that much I just added it in but he said it bogged down and all the sudden it just lifted up and flipped em over lol
lmao nah I dont think it was from drinking cuz he wasnt drinking that much I just added it in but he said it bogged down and all the sudden it just lifted up and flipped em over lol

every cloud has a silver lining remember that, yes your dad flipped your bike but then also you still have a dad who can stand on his own two feet..
Heres a dad story!. My dad is 60 and he loves my blasty.(because its two stroke)... well he found out its not a toy...... After a three week breakdown on stock reeds, i added some boyesen two stage.... He's a harley man so when i told him be careful on the twist throttle it willl rare up on ya on 1st though 3rd.... He said bulllshit it aint got that power... Suprise suprise!!!! A 60yr old speed shifting and riding wheelies through three gears, it was classic and beautiful. I wish i had a camera! He was sh*tting, but then bragged about it... hahhaa... The blasty scared him, as it should.... Respect the Blasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to let Dad ride and blow the top end so i can get a big bore!!!!!!! Of course hes so scared of the blasty now he would never blow it..... Thats a nice bike you got though!~!!!!!! Thats coool your dad rides it!!!!!
you guys are lucky i keep trying to get my dad to buy a quad , luckily for me my dad works hard and makes a good amount of money so when he buys something its always the top things so i keep trying to get yfz450r or something lol but he got his jetski which he loves lol