

Nov 24, 2009
Tacoma , Wa
I seen a thread here earlier about someone punching their gf during a heat of the moment argument , something about a comment about a parent was said and took it too far ne wayz i was driving and couldn't finish reading it , and i don't see it anywhere , just hoping things get worked out ......
yeah i wanna say it was 4cfed, but he ended the story with the theme song from fresh prince of bel air
and if your man enough to beat a woman your man enough to get shot in the face.
and if a woman is man enuf to punch a man in the face, she's man enuf to meet the pimp hand!!!!!!
it is a joke fellas calm down....

A guy asked a girl 'Will you marry me?' The girl said, 'NO!' And the guy lived happily ever after, went fishing and hunting and played golf, drank beer and scotch and had money in the bank, left the toilet seat up and farted whenever he wanted. The End

and here is the one that was posted earlier
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well I'm glad its not a fo real thang , even though it happends on a constant basis for some poor souls . I am actually a victim of abuse , its called work , and its a cruel biotch and damn one day I will get out from under her iron thumb , but until then , I shall cry on the inside ........
me too 4cfed. my wife would probably get her gun and shoot me when im asleep. but probably in the crotch region.