Does paint reduce heat loss from engine?


Your Friendly South African Ambassador
Mar 26, 2008
East London, South Africa
Surely painting your head and cylinder would impede the escape of heat from the motor? if you use a MS primer and a 2K overcoat is it not going to cook it? its like running around outside with a jacket on as opposed to taking your shirt off
ya, you want heat loss.
do you mean paint or no paint? im just thinking air cooling i think its better with no paint? paint drawing heat out sounds like the drinking tea to cool you down theory, not saying it isnt true, im just not sure im convinced. any technical explanations?
I think that's why air cooled engines are black. To draw the heat out to the fins so the air flow will help cool it off.
certain types of paint and colors are good for drawing heat out of the engine.
the same is true about certain types of metals.
ok, but obviously you want it as thin as possible? therefore you should use a light colour primer? as what the point of having it black if its white/cream/yellow/grey underneath?
would think they are painted for looks as much as anything. I've seen lots of bikes with natural finish. You'll notice if they are painted it's rather thin. Same as radiators, also for corrosion cause they're so thin. Once did a set of jugs with wrinkle paint , looked great , don't know how practicle it would be for a dirt machine. It was for a drag bike. T-500.