Deal of the YEAR on a Banshee!!!

There is good deals out there if you look every day like i did and negotiate. I payed 3 grand for mine and it needs nothing at all but me to ride the dog sh*t out of it. Banshee's in my area normally sell for 3 grand in nice condition.
Banshee's in my area go for the same price as Blasters. I can find perfectly fine running Banshee's in alright shape for $800. There is just no demand for them in my area as it's Ohio and Honda Motor Co dominates Ohio so everybody is Pro-Honda. Now if I go to Michigan where there are dunes, it's the exact opposite.
Dang, sounds like I need to move to Ohio and quit wasting my time on CL scams. Lol. I was wondering if $ 1,800 was really too good to be true...
Dang, sounds like I need to move to Ohio and quit wasting my time on CL scams. Lol. I was wondering if $ 1,800 was really too good to be true...

It's still a good deal.

I personally would rather buy a bashed up Banshee and mod it from there really........because I mean hell.......the engine is going to be coming apart anyways, frame will be powdercoated, and everything else will be going aftermarket, so it serves me no purpose to spend $2500 on a nice stock Banshee when I can pick one up for $800 and the END PRODUCT will ultimatley be the same in both scenarios......except I saved $1700.

Not true for all quads, but for a Banshee or Blaster it holds true.