Danica Patrick in ARCA


Sep 24, 2009
Anybody see this chick wheeling a stock car? granted she had some of the best equipment but man she can drive! that save through the grass was pretty much nuts
i agree, nice save, good for the sport!!!!
but did anyone hear that neanderthal dave dispain say something about one of the other girls in the race.... he said "she is this and that, has done this and that, and all with her race suit zipped the whole way up"
obvuiously a cheap shot at danica for her go daddy commercials,
fuk him, we want T & A, and he should be in the geico commercials as the next neanderthal
yeah cant wait, my buddy just asked me tonite what i was doin, i told him watchin the shootout, he asked me why i watch that sh*t, i told him if i had to explain he wouldnt understand anyway
for me im not a big fan of football....so it goes both ways.......they say its boring watching cars go in circle....i say it gay watching guys play with their balls lol....

some one has to shut JJ down this yr
there was another girl who was in there as well, ran 3rd most of the night, but ran into some bad luck towards the end.
there was 6 girls in that race, that big wreck took out a few