crank seal help


New Member
Mar 24, 2011
sunbury pa.

guys been a long time lurker and finally need to get some advise.i picked up this blaster last fall,it needed a rebore and piston, got that all taken care of put together went to start breaking it in and noticed white smoke at first i thought it was just the excess oil in cylinder but after a 5 min test drive i had a increasing idle prob. so from my readings here i ordered some crank seals and then she sat most of the winter well ive finally gotten around to messing with it. now i can get the right side aka clutch side bolt off because i cant keep it from spinning from the clutch basket. i keep reading to use a penny on the gears but cant for the life of me figure out which gear holds the outer basket i know thats not the right name for but i hope you know what im talking about. i know i should have started with the leakdown test but i didnt so if anyone is near sunbury pa. with one after i get this all back together and wouldnt mind doing the test that would be great.


penny trick doesn't really work that well. order a clutch/flywheel holder tool from rockymountain atv. the tusk one is like 20bux shipped
You can also take a piece of flat stock steel and drill 2 holes in it and put bolts through it in order to lock up the flywheel.Just match up the spacing on the flywheel and transfer those measuremnts over to the flat stock before drilling.
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thanks for the quick responses guys and some ideas might try the flat stock idea if i can find some out in the barn if not ill probably order the tool since i still need to get my flywheel puller.
Hey I'm in Warren, PA. We are about 4 hours apart but if you can't get them in and you can find a way to get the Blaster here I would be more than happy to help. Otherwise you could ask some of the guys closer to you. StrokedTater is close to you and I think AWK might be closer than me but I don't know. I have the same problem but my motors in half right now being redone. So as for crank seals I know what I'm doing. And be sure to put some grease on the inside spring. I believe the grease they use is in a spray can.