:-/:-/:-/:-/:-/:-/ i need help!
ok so i have tons of money ready to spend butttt................ my dad says i cant spend it on my blaster! its like $400........ i wanted to buy some works but he said no, then a-arms and he said no........... he says "i have to save it for college"......... hes probabaly right but it is my money!
I hate to be the old guy that kills your buzz...........................but listen to your dad.
There is a reason he is telling you to do this. Your dad wants you to have +3+1 arms with triple rate Motowoz shocks. He also wants you to have a triple ported 240 kit and a +3 stroker ctank, VF3 reeds, and a 35mm A/S carb blowing out a Power Pro's exhaust.
But he also knows that things of that nature are fleeting and a good education will last you your entire life. So when you want a car, a truck, a house, a 4mil Banshee, or a trip to Europe.................you can make it happen. But you need that piece of paper first. Trust me kid. Not too many people figure it out until it's too late.
Keep the money in the bank, put MORE money in the bank. And get your @ss to a good 4 year school to get edge-you-mah-kay-ted.