Connection Problems

it is really really annoying im trying to use the chatbox right now and its going way to slow.
i think its just the forum getting clogged up with too many threads
I've been having an issue with pm's lately. I'll send a pm and the screen comes up plain white. Even after I hit the refresh button 3-5 times its still white so then I'll have to just load the homepage. Its frustrating because I don't know if the pm went through or not.
I have double sent PMs, people probally think Im pushy or something, its frustrating. Least I can quit thinking I am totally nuts.

yeah i dont even know if you got my last pm or not because of it. if you didnt please send pix. thanks buddy
I've been getting this all the time for the last week or so but even more today.... anyone else?

been getting the same exact thing here most of the time 27
and it says out of memory so thats why i think the forum is getting clogged up
i've been getting that all over the site, twice when looking at my used profile, in a row!!! i also can't send a pm without a blank white screen and stuff like 245 stroke, dirtyblaster came on last night and said that the server took a crap and needs to be fixed, thats all i've heard.
i've been getting that all over the site, twice when looking at my used profile, in a row!!! i also can't send a pm without a blank white screen and stuff like 245 stroke, dirtyblaster came on last night and said that the server took a crap and needs to be fixed, thats all i've heard.
That makes alot of sense... its crashed before. Memory has nothing to do with it... its not 1993 anymore lol, and if it did it the owner would know it long before we would.
ok, now i'm gettin angry, i just got a different error, how many are there?!?!?!?!

here it is

The requested URL could not be retrieved


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•Zero Sized Reply
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