comedy cafe


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
wife and i went to the comedy cafe in appleton lastnight....

3 comedians, one from new york one from vegas... the one from vegas was tanyalee davis.... a midget.... no joke... she was funny as hell..... much better than what i can find oneline of her.

at the beggining of the show they said no table talk, this coulpe behind me wouldnt STFU!!! they were sucking down two drinks every 10 minutes... laughing and having there own convo well this tanyalee was performing... my wife told them to stfu once and they just looked at her and kept on,

so i turned around... mind you turned around i was 2 feet from this guy.. i look right at him and said' you wanna shut the f*ck up?' he looked at me with a blank look on his face and they didnt say a word the rest of the night.. when show was over we were leavin and my wife says to them... next time stay the fk home and you can talk and laugh all you want with out pissin anyone else off..... they didnt say aword to her...

left the club, smoked av6 tiburon with intake with our stock ass 94 suburban lol!!

here is the chick we seen..

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Sounds good bro, haha those suburbans haul ass when they want to! My dad has 240,000 on his and he said he was driving one day, punched the gas and it spinned him around, he didn't think the ol' gal' had it in er'.
hahaha ours wont.. 33'' all terrain... long wheel base 350 tbi 4x4 auto... wont do a breakstand but it whipped that tibby... i was lmfao!!

drinks were insane though.. 2 drink minimum per person.. $10 a person to get in, 2 drink min.. wife had 2 i had 2. she had 2 bananaberry drinks.. idk what they were but they had booze in them, i had asoco and pepsi and a alambama slammer.. 26 freakin bucks!!!
ur a luck guy man... seems like everytime i talk to ya ur wife pays for it all.. lol sounds like i need to find me a better sugar mama huh???? lmfao