Clutch Shaft?

May 18, 2012
Hi on my 2002 blaster engine on the gear shifter side there is a shaft going into the engine which i think operates the clutch. is it normal to be able to pull that out the engine without takings covers/cases apart? just mines can be pulling out with not even a little effort. also my clutch works fine all though it is a little hard to pull lever in.
That Doesn't Sound Good , But maybe Someone Else Will Chime In And Say For Sure , Is there a Spring On that piece ?

hi yes blasterbruce there is. its a funny shaped plate then a spiring above it or below it i can't exactly remember which order. beginning to regret getting rid of my rm now lol should of took the swap for the tecate 4 i got offered for the rm when guy was willing to swap haha
That's Your Clutch Input shaft , It Should Not Pull out , I'm Looking at 2 bottom ends in my Living room right now and neither of mine will pull out , and my motors have no top ends or stator or clutch covers on them
I believe it is the push rod that stops the shaft from lifting out.

Is there excessive play?

Is there a definate step on the bottom of the shaft where it meets the push rod.

not enitrely sure mate i will have to check tomorrow should that shaft be able to pull out even a little? iv not took it completely out just lifted it about couple of inches and put it back as didn't think it was right.
Just For Giggles , I Pulled The Spring loose on One of my bottom ends just now , and mine did not move much at all , My motors have no Clutches in them also
Just For Giggles , I Pulled The Spring loose on One of my bottom ends just now , and mine did not move much at all , My motors have no Clutches in them also

ah ok mate thanks! looks like a tear down job then! might not even have push rod in it... the guy that swapped me got bumped though as i swapped a rm 125 1992 model that needed a rebuild also lol but i came off better as i got the quad thats worth double the price of that rm lol
Originally Posted by Blaaster
I believe it is the push rod that stops the shaft from lifting out.

Is there excessive play?

Is there a definate step on the bottom of the shaft where it meets the push rod.

I deleted this post as I think I was barking up the wrong tree.
And your in luck and Have This Site !! , Well Either way a Full Tear down insures you of what needs to be replaced and What Does not need replaced , good time to check all bearings and seals anyway , Would hate to put a fresh top end on it and then something else happen shortly after you rebuilt it !
Originally Posted by Blaaster
I believe it is the push rod that stops the shaft from lifting out.

Is there excessive play?

Is there a definate step on the bottom of the shaft where it meets the push rod.

I deleted this post as I think I was berking up the wrong tree.

no worries mate i just called a mate and he said it looks like the push rod isn't there or there is something up with the clutch . am i right in saying that the shaft where the clutch cable attatches to works the clutch basket?
Nice ^ , Well Sounds Like Your On Your Way To Having a Good running motor When your done !

yeah man! i was planning on doing a rebuild later in the year but id rather do it just now while i can save more problem later on. going to inspect gearbox also incase theres anything up with that either. also am i right for a rebuild i need gasket kit,crankshaft bearings,oil seal kit,piston kit , minus crankshaft as not sure about that condition yet. thats it right? also might put a tusk clutch kit in it and inspect the basket. i was putting a wiseco basket in it later this year nearer xmas time anyway but thats a later date job as there 150 .