Cleand the carby

frankin blaster

New Member
Aug 14, 2012
weirton wv
I finally received my air filter today. Had a little extra time so I went to install it. Got that done then was bored so I took my carb off to check reeds and to clean the carb then install the 280 main. found it was running a 220 main :( so I'm guessing it was running lean at the jet to? Isn't 230 stock size for a blaster? Was also on the second clip on the needle so I dropped a clip down to the middle like many advised me to. She fired on the first kick cold. Idles just fine which it never did before so im guessing I fixed my hard start problem while cold was an ok day TodayI:I
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Nothing like getting a carburetor set right to make your day! I think the '88 and '89 Blasters came stock with a 220 main jet, and then Yamaha bumped it up to a 230 main for 1990-on models. Either way, you got lucky because that 220 was far too lean for your engine with mods.