cl add


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
I think I might get this for 500$ and it has a right bend pipe,big bore kit, and alot of other little mods but a blown tranny he said the clutch doesnt ingage anymore worse Im just going to buy a new bottem end
yamaha blaster
the pipe is either a LRD or Dynoport without doubt. The expansion on the F7's doesnt run that back, and ct,trinity and f7 are the same pipe.
the pipe is either a LRD or Dynoport without doubt. The expansion on the F7's doesnt run that back, and ct,trinity and f7 are the same pipe.

yea thats what it looks like to me but then look at the silencer thats not a lrd or a dynoport that looks like an fmf silencer on a right bend
its a dynoport, silencer gives it away, see how it looks like it doesnt have an end cap, dynoport pipes use 250r silencers. So yea, im sure its a full dynoport
its a dynoport, silencer gives it away, see how it looks like it doesnt have an end cap, dynoport pipes use 250r silencers. So yea, im sure its a full dynoport

alright thanks man, I wish the pics where closer so I can see if its a 240 are all 240's silver unless they paint them or are some black