Well both china quads are up and running. I'll get some pics up later. The first one is running good, I'm not happy with the top end on it. Seems it tops out at pretty low rpms, I wanna say maybe 5k and maybe 20mph. Once it s up there I can let the throttle down to about half, even a little less and it makes no difference. Not sure if there is some sort of restriction or safety on the carb maybe, but I'm gonna check into it more. The cable moves the apparatus on the carb the full range of motion, so I'm not sure.
The new china quad is running good as well. Was a pain to get started, but that's cause the fuel line is in the way of the choke lever. Doesn't pull me around very well, but I also let most of the air out of the tires, so once I get new ones properly inflated and a 70lb girl on it, it should go good! I'll try and get some pics up this evening