hmm.. good thread.. this would explain why my buddys warrior rolls around so nicely sicne you push it more than ride
x ring you have to have a special master link so if you loose it or brake it its kinda pain to get a new one. your saying sence my o-rings are rotting off my chain my blasty isnt safe to ride anymore? im guessing thats because dirt could possably get in the links and bind it up or something... it sounds a lil extreme to me but thats mho..
ahhh i love it when non-educated people give mechanical advice.
you have to be retarded to use anything but o-ring or x-ring chains when in the dirt. its a safety issue more than anything else. do your research on the differences before you make a decision based on the opinions of shade tree mechanics.
if rollng resistance of your ATV concerns you, get your fat ass on a treadmill because one pound of bodyfat will give that blaster more resistance than the rings on a chain.