Cash for clunkers bullshit


May 27, 2008
GTA, Ontario
Im sorry but this program makes me want to hang obama or whoever the f*ck thought this evil program up. its been brought up before but cmon, what can we do about this? theres enough car enthusiasts to do something. i cant take it anymore.

I f*cking hate corvettes with a passion, not so much the older ones, but still...

UNREAL. how can someone f*cking do this.
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yea im not like a crazy goverment is watching me type of person but i am a cristain and i do beleive the end times are comin and that the get rid of all the old cars that the dealer cont control and know were it is from on star and stuff like that and clunkers are very inportant i mean when your low on cash what are you supposed to do just ride a bike cause all the cars are new!!
just my 2 cents!
thats the biggest part of it. that and first cars. if this program gets bigger, how the f*ck am i supposed to afford a first car. this is stupid as hell. f*ck obama
They wanted the cars that are barely running, but didnt get them, because the people that drive them cant afford a new car. They got all the perfect condition cars that had no business dying. This was the most f*cked up waste of existance ever. f*ck whoever came up with this bullshit f*cking idea
LMAO!! now kiddies, how do you think the people that got new cars for almost nothing feel? it was allll about gas mileage not old vs new, of course most old cares are the ones with crap gas mileage.
Yeah but you don't have to trash a mint vette over it!

yeah thats the painfull part, but if you are giving people soo much money to get rid of thier gas guzzler it wouldnt make much sense to let that car be resold and drove (while sucking gas) but i hear ya... ouch.. :o
Why the F*** not they could make more money, and thats all the government cares about anyway! A car enthusiast would be delighted to sweep that thing right up, even with a blown motor.
Why the F*** not they could make more money, and thats all the government cares about anyway! A car enthusiast would be delighted to sweep that thing right up, even with a blown motor.

oh im sure there are guys just dieing to scoop these cars with blown motors up for cheap but i think they all get sent to the scrap yard. pretty sure the dealer is not allowed to get rid of the car or they dont get the government reimbursement. but again this was all about gas mileage.
its not just the enignes either.....there was a thread on another forum where somebody traded in a cyclone or typhoon for cash for clunkers. somehow they ended up saving it. fo those of you who dont know...cyclones and typhoons are rare s-10 and blazer trucks. body kits, twin turbos from the factory. hard to find...can be made very fast little trucks..and somebody wantedto trade it to have it crushed.....

funny thing is, its better to have an older vehicle that gets ok mpg than to buy a prius. after you figure in the price of the vehicle, then fueling it, its actually cheaper. they did the math on a speed channel show, i think it was truck u.
I'm sorry but isn't blaming the gov. kind of like blaming smith and Wesson or Winchester, or even our for fathers every time some one shoots someone else. this program did lot of good for a lot of people, i get very angry when i here these stories to but at the sh*t head that turned the car in not the people that offered the program.
I'm sorry but isn't blaming the gov. kind of like blaming smith and Wesson or Winchester, or even our for fathers every time some one shoots someone else. this program did lot of good for a lot of people, i get very angry when i here these stories to but at the sh*t head that turned the car in not the people that offered the program.

I'm sorry, but this is why you need to be 18 to vote. And is that waiting long enough? A people raised on entitlements and programs become dependents of their government. Do just a LITTLE reasearch. Open your eyes. The Obama administration and both sides of the aisle that let this fleecing of the American people come to be should be removed from office. Did it help a very few people? Yes. Did it screw the brains out of the American people as a whole and gut the system? Yes.
The average "cost" to the people for this program was $24,000 per clunker. $24,000. And that's coming from liberal CNN-Cash for Clunkers costs taxpayers $24,000 per car - Oct. 28, 2009
In some states people were surprised to see that they would be taxed on their "clunker rebate". Surprise!!!!! News, Weather and Sports for Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa
And you are forgetting that when you tamper with the market, it can't work. Some people were nudged in a direction to buy a car they really can't afford or make a purchase sooner that they would have liked. That increase the likely hood of failing to repay the loan and further weakening the financial sector. But hey, it is great for the re-po companies and they are seeing a great year. You also take affordable transportation away from the youth and the poor. Nice. And you better take a good hard look at the impact made on fuel consumption and emissions-almost nothing in when you look at the broader picture. They knew this, and they did it anyway.
I don't have the time to even school you on all the ways this was a bad thing.
I remember when people were ashamed to take a hand out. Now they are looking for one.
i think there should be a limit on what gets clunkered.
if you follow the links in that youtube there is a lot of nice cars, they should sell the parts off them or open a big pick a part
I'm sorry, but this is why you need to be 18 to vote. And is that waiting long enough? A people raised on entitlements and programs become dependents of their government. Do just a LITTLE reasearch. Open your eyes. The Obama administration and both sides of the aisle that let this fleecing of the American people come to be should be removed from office. Did it help a very few people? Yes. Did it screw the brains out of the American people as a whole and gut the system? Yes.
The average "cost" to the people for this program was $24,000 per clunker. $24,000. And that's coming from liberal CNN-Cash for Clunkers costs taxpayers $24,000 per car - Oct. 28, 2009
In some states people were surprised to see that they would be taxed on their "clunker rebate". Surprise!!!!! News, Weather and Sports for Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa
And you are forgetting that when you tamper with the market, it can't work. Some people were nudged in a direction to buy a car they really can't afford or make a purchase sooner that they would have liked. That increase the likely hood of failing to repay the loan and further weakening the financial sector. But hey, it is great for the re-po companies and they are seeing a great year. You also take affordable transportation away from the youth and the poor. Nice. And you better take a good hard look at the impact made on fuel consumption and emissions-almost nothing in when you look at the broader picture. They knew this, and they did it anyway.
I don't have the time to even school you on all the ways this was a bad thing.
I remember when people were ashamed to take a hand out. Now they are looking for one.

i was just talking about the trashing of nice cars and who is to blame i'm not going to get into if the program was good for the economy for a hole, although i will say that being from Michigan with the local economy.
the simple thing they could do would be to take classic cars that are about to be scrapped and take it to auction just like they do with cars possessed from crimes sell them for dirt cheap,and ivest the money back into the community while some guy gets a classic corvette
ya i saw this in real life! i was at a dealerships and they had an 03 chevy trailblazer that was nicer then most of the used cars. they just drain all the oil and put in liquid glass in and drive it to the other side of the lot and their lucky if they even make it to the other side. they said that they have to push alot of them
i think there should be a limit on what gets clunkered.
if you follow the links in that youtube there is a lot of nice cars, they should sell the parts off them or open a big pick a part

They did have limits on what would be considered a clunker. It had to be a certain year or newer and it had to get so many mpg or less.