Please listen and do what Awk, others and I say, otherwise you will not have a working engine to fiddle with.When you put the reeds back in you may need to use some hi temp Copper RTV to get a leak free seal.
Tension the bolts to 5.8 ft lbs diagonally and incrementally [a little bit on each at a time until full tension].
Warning do not over tighten or you may warp the cage and cause a leak.
FMF jetting info
FMF = #260 main jet.
Aftermarket air cleaner + 1 or 2 size larger.
Air box lid off +2
32:1 pre mix +1
Needle in the middle slot.
32.5 pilot jet
Plug chop to confirm, as temperature, elevation and humidity come into the equasion
Do a leak test before you start the engine.
Obviously something is amiss and changing oil brands is not going to fix the issue.