carb not sealing


May 24, 2010
bought a nsr 80(80cc2stroke) with a bad piston(not running) . fixed it and noticed the carb leaks out the over flow.set float height and cleaned carb thoroughly and it still does it ? i got a spare carb with a bunch of parts i got and it does the same with that carb .as soon as the bowl fills up it starts pissing out .valve float looks good .the lad i bought it off has a fitting made up where the fuel tap should be as he said it broke .would high flow from the tank cause it?(leaks no matter how much petrol is in the tank) bike runs and drives perfect. any help apreciated,thanks
Great advice AWK. Sometimes if your lucky a good wack with a piece of wood ie a hammer handle will get it to seal again.
Even if that works it's still time for a new needle and seat. the price of needle and seat replacement parts, i've had 2 dealerships try to charge me $50+ for just those 2 parts,

but they are both included in the moose carb rebuild kits for under $20 ???
thanks guys apreciate the help ... the reason i diddnt just buy a new needle and float set is that the bike is hard to get parts for and the cheapest i can find is €50 (60usd) for just the needle which is crazy in my opinion lol
That is pretty crazy.
I've heard of guys using a Qtip mounted in a drill and toothpaste to clean the seat.
Clean the needle tip too (the rubber part) Do not use anything that could dry it out like acetone, carb dip, or any type of degreaser.
Use ATF or an oil and lightly wipe it off with a rag or paper towel.
Anything is worth a try if you HAVE to reuse the stock stuff cause of prices like that.
cleaned it out and it worked perfect . then i went for a ten min drive came back and left it idling for 5-10minutes and it started doing it again? im thinking maybe a new fuel filter ? really p**sing me off now lol
loose the fuel filter !

i'd submerge those floats in a clear glass of water and watch for any bubbles.
its possible they may have a very very slow leak and take that 15-20 minutes to fill up and throw your float level way off ???
You might have to bite the bullet and get new parts.
Another options is to swap a needle and seat out of another carb.