cant get project quad to run


Sep 23, 2008
Irvington, IL
well ive been working on my other quad I bought and I finally tried starting it today and I cant find out what the deal is it will not run I have awsome compresion and I have a brand new plug in it and just checked the spark and it has a nice fat blue spark any ideas guys I just wanna hear this 4 poke run well I guess that explains it all but no seriously much help is apreciated
well earleir my dad stopped by and we went out there and pulled the plug and poured a lil gas in there and to see if I was getting spark which I was and then we put the plug back in and we kicked it some more and still nothing
You've got compression and spark, so I'd say you're lacking fuel. Troubleshoot it like you would a Blasty. Do you have fuel to the carburetor? Remove/clean the fuel petcock, the drop the fuel bowl and check it out.... Try giving it a shot of carb. cleaner through the intake and see if it'll start. If it tries to run, but dies, you do indeed have a fuel delivery problem. Too much gas just floods it out, but a quick shot of volatile Berrymans' works wonders.

If the carb. cleaner does nothing to help the engine along, the issue lies elsewhere...
I think the timing is good the guy I bought it off just rebuilt the motor and is my mechanic at my local shop and has been there forever but ill keep this in mind and still ask him about it if it dosent start off the starting fluid thanks bro
Couple of other ideas: Check your valve lash. That is, the rocker arm clearances for both the intake and exhaust valves. While valve lash usually INCREASES with wear/running, sometimes people will mess with it and adjust one valve too tight.

When this happens, the engine will still have some compression, but the combustion chamber won't seal properly and it'll be Hell to get started. Most 4-pokes like yours run with an intake valve clearance of .004", and an exhaust valve clearance of .005-.006". Set it with a feeler gauge. Be sure that the valve you are adjusting is fully closed when setting the clearance.

Valve lash OK, or too loose? Not the problem, then. You might also want to temporarily unbolt the exhaust header and try the starter again. If the quad has been sitting for some time, the silencer or header pipe may be plugged up. With what, you ask? :o I've blasted mouse nests, bird nests, dirt daubers, and dead rat carcasses out of mufflers during my time as a tech. If there's a foreign object in the exhaust, you can kick it all day long yet get nowhere....
haha alright man ill make sure there is no rat carcases in there tommorow too while im tring to get it to run thats crazy but hey i guess it could happen
haha alright man ill make sure there is no rat carcases in there tommorow too while im tring to get it to run thats crazy but hey i guess it could happen

Lol. I'm kinda kidding, since you said somebody just rebuilt your engine... I usually see this problem on old crappers that have been left out under a tarp for years.

I bet the last owner that 'rebuilt' the engine didn't set the valves properly. It's worth checking, anyhow.

One more thing: How is your CAM (valve) timing? You said that the ignition timing seems to be OK. Valve timing that is off, even by one tooth, will cause a 4-stroker not to start. You can usually check valve timing by removing the timing gear cover on the head. The tick mark on the gear must point straight up and align with the mark on the head casting (usually at 12:00), when the 'T' mark on the flywheel aligns with the pointer on the crankcase. Most of the time, there is a plug you must first remove from the engine case with a flat blade screwdriver. Once the plug comes out, you'll be able to see this timing mark. The 'T' I mentioned will be stamped into the flywheel itself, while a corresponding tick mark is cast into the engine case.

Hopefully, I didn't just totally lose you on the above ^^ :D. Might want to check a service manual for your quad. Pics help a lot. Good Luck!
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Yea you lost me bro that all chinese to me but if the starting fluid dosent work and there is no rats in the head pipe tax return time is right around the corner and ill probally have the valves re ajusted just to be on the safe side but thanks for alll the usful info rep given
the fmf pipe for my blaster was so clogged up with mouse nest when i got it that you couldn't even shoot air from the air compressor through it lol