can u trail ride with a dune porting job?

I would like to appologize to GunBlast for his thread being hi-jacked. I hope you got the information you needed from it before it went astray. Best advice is to discuss this with the builder doing your engine.
This post tells me you have no idea about the effects of port angles and shapes and their effects on power delivery. I've seen what your work is and isn't capable of first hand and have several credible witness's to it. LMAO!

"so tuck that away in your brain for the next time you wanna build an engine"

damn wildcard you burned up his rings LOL.
This post tells me you have no idea about the effects of port angles and shapes and their effects on power delivery. I've seen what your work is and isn't capable of first hand and have several credible witness's to it. LMAO!

"so tuck that away in your brain for the next time you wanna build an engine"

I have had Chris here at my shop and his port/head design made Great Power.
I have his brothers dyno chart on my Flickr site
I think Chirs does very nice work.

Just my thoughts
So I have been reading and some what laughing over the last couple of days. This seems to happen every couple of months or so. The battle of the So that being said I wanted to put something in perspective for everyone. Imagine where the life off the off road industry would have just fell of dead if there was one builder one fabricator, one make, one model, on and on and on. lol It would have not lasted a year. In this industry there are hundreds of ppl that make it possible to always move foward. At a track it's the true lovers of the sport that shine. Why you ask ? well they have goals first they want to set a record then they want someone to brake that record so they have a reason to brake it the next go around. It is all in the fun of the sport,
But good competition is accompanied by respect and some basic comeradery between the builders, So my point is this, everyone is free to have there own opinion and do things there own way. So there is no need to take cheap shots, or make stupid comments in threads thinking it will do anything. I hear alot of BS from a lot of ppl in this line of work, but in my life I have come to the conclusion that about 10% is true and no one knows which 10% that is so leave it as it is.
For those looking to have work done on anything my advice will always be do your own research talk to many builders and go with the one that you feel good about.
