buying a banshee

All I can say is do what you want because it's your money. Banshees are nice to have and fun to drive but damn you better like working on your quad a lot. Good luck.
Thats a nice bike but not worth 1800.

I think j-arms are sick, not sure how they handle though....

yah bro, i like j arms, most people who say they suck don't even know how they perform, the only true problem with them is finding extended ones, i know that alot of people like the j arms for duners cause of lighter weights
make a thread in the engine areas, not everybody goes thru the builds thingy, if u think spark is hard on the blaster and the clutch wait till u ahve to sync the carbs or rebuild the banshee and have no air leaks and all the other sh*t u gotta constantly tinker with on a banshee, and being that its a older shee, it will have problems, not maybe.. WILL!

well put, i think that deserves some rep.....exactly my thoughts i can handle working on a blasty but when it comes to the shee..... i dont like anything having to do with the carb, or the crank case, or what ever u call it it just gets confusing