Buy a new Pipe or beater sled?


Jul 29, 2007
I got a few hundred dollars for christmas plus a little saved up (parents don't buy presents so they just give me money I:I), so I was wondering if I can get some feedback about getting a full aftermarket exhaust system or a beater sled so I can pack trails, being winter and all up here. For the exhaust suggestion, whats one thats just below a LRD, because I don't want something thats going to be too loud.
Well if you don't already have a sled i would say get a beater. sleds are alot more fun to ride in the winter where you get alot of snow IMO.
i have a sled, but im in the middle of restoring right now and can't wait, I can get a sled right around the corner from me for like 400-500 CAN.
I lucky today cause the temp was like around 0 so the snow was really sticky, but after a snow fall of fluffy crap I get stuck big time.