broke another ipod

Oct 16, 2008
southern IN
i slammed my 1st gen. ipod touch 16gb in a car door the lcd screen is half screwed but the otehr screen is fine and now i think im going to sell it it suck this is the 3rd one i have done something too i have acteally broke 1 and f*cked the screen up on 2 so if you want it pm me
that sucks, the principle at my school got his ipod stolen and it has all the schools informaition on it, passwords, student information and some black kid stole my ipod awhile back but i had no proof. i would have kicked his ass but i would get kicked out.
I feel for you dude!Had my iphone for one week and droped it and broke the glass and the LCD screen.It's going to cost me about $175 for the parts to fix it.
Its Free Music free Games Free Videos :D Very cool We are enjoying it lol Its pretty easy to do your self but you have to have a Itouch or Iphone 2G the newer 3G ones wont work with jailbreak. Its basically hacked
I got an iPod touch like 6 months ago and lost it like the first week lol so im stuck with an ipod nano but their not so bad, but what does jail breaking do and whats the point of it
yea mine broke like in the summer I was riding a dirtbike in a sand pit and tiped over alitte i broke my phone and itouch in one shot
I'm thinking about jailbreaking but I'm worried about all the risks to it.

yea Man like said you can always recover. Thats the beauty of the itouch. Here is a video to TYsIphone. He is a Ipod Pimp and shows you excactly how and where to get the stuff to do it.
Dont worry about messing anything up its simple.Ive seen 10 year old kids making videos on how to do this.

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