bottom chain roller. important?

super noober

Can't Stop, Won't Stop!
Feb 17, 2009
upstate ny
so yeah im finally doing the final assembly on the blasty and i find that the lower chain roller is not there, just a metal tab thing. the chain is riding right on it so im wondering if i can just cut that biotch off and call it good or if thats not a good idea? :-/ also how much slack do you guys/gals recomend in the chain? ive got it quite tight now is that bad?
yeah, order yourself 2 double roller bearing rollers,
1 top and 1 bottom, its important (around $10 each on ebay, or someone on here makes 'em too), you'll need to cut that tube off that its ridin on now for the new one to mount up, and too tight of a chain is bad on the rollers,sprockets,tranny and motor, i usually go 2 fingers of movement
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yeah, order yourself 2 double roller bearing rollers,
1 top and 1 bottom, its important (around $10 each on ebay, or someone on here makes 'em too), you'll need to cut that tube off that its ridin on now for the new one to mount up, and too tight of a chain is bad on the rollers,sprockets,tranny and motor, i usually go 2 fingers of movement

damnit, i wanna ride this biotch today...... sdfsdfjhsdfsdafsdfasdfasdfja lol thanks awk08, i think i def have my chain too damn tight.
after you cut that tube the the factory junk mounted to, the tab on the frame is where the threads are,
got any old skateboards layin around???, one of them wheels and the right metric bolt will work for today, maybe wallyworld has a cheap skateboard for a couple bucks??
any of the aftermarket rollers i've ever used, on 2 different blasters, the inner hole of the bearings wasnt big enuf to fit over the tube, so i cut the tube, used the bolt to thread into the tab, and then put the nut on the threads that stick thru the tab, thats exactly how i just did it about 2 months ago, and 10 yrs ago, and they work like a champ?? maybe im missin something, now if your gonna get stock junk rollers with the plastic tube instead of bearings then i'd say leave the tubes on,
anyone else wanna chime in with their experiences on mounting aftermarket bearing rollers???
Alls Balls makes one to go over that shaft at the top.. and I got a lower chain roller I belive its a 33mm?? from All Balls..
Fixed me right up. I would not cut off that tube.

If you want roller I will sell you my brand new spare ten bucks. just pm me if you still need one. and thats the one to go over the shaft.. NOT a ball bearing one.. just plastic.
what the hell are they even for? when i got my blaster that metal shaft was cut off and the chain never bumps into anything i dont get it whys it even there?