boss's snowmobile


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
i figured id share this since.. well its a hard to find sled and it has a story to it..

my boss is selling his 1994 arctic cat thunder cat 900, almost mint condition for $2,450... get this... 499.3 miles!!! YES that is correct!!! pricey for a older sled BUT where can you find a sled with under 500 miles for that price with that kinda power??? 900 cc 2 stroke triple!!

here is the story behind it...

he bought the sled with 18? 19? miles on it back in late winter of 1994 ( begining of the year) idk what he paid for it BUT.. a guy he knows is a insurance guy locally and told him about this sled, my boss wasnt really lookingfor a sled at the time but the guy talked him into coming and looking at it..
so my boss guys and looks at it, and its CLEAN.. sorta.. windshield is busted off and blood on the seat/ bars/ dash, running boards...

kinda gross BUT this is how it went down...

guy buys this sled brand new from the dealer, gets insurance on it right away, cant wait to take it out, so he goes to a buddys house and its snowin pretty good, ands the guy didnt know the lake/rivers here very well, his buddy tryed to tell him not to take it out just wait tell it stops snowing.
Guy dont listen and takes the sled out, 18-19 miles later, he doesnt duck for a bridge on the river.... sled rolls to a stop... rider still on it..... BUT his helmet is layin under the bridge... with his head still in it!!! :o:o:o:o:o

so my boss ends up buying THE sled and all it needed was a new windshield and the blood cleaned off it, i had no clue that i have been workin in the shop next to that sled every day for 4 months now!!

the sled is truely mint!! and a animal!!.. he had it out once last year.. 2 years after he bought it he took it to a ice radar runs.. took 3rd in open class in 1/8th mile track.. with trail studs in it.. not even set up for ice drags!!!
here is what it looks like as of 5pm today!! after i got done cleaning the dust off it and waxing the hood

im a strange person.. and death dont really bother me.. BUT its still kinda creepy.. everyone says you got to respect the machines or they wil hurt you, well this onemust need more respect knownin its already claimed someones life
Thats kinda gross. I wouldnt buy it just knowing it took someones life even if he was acting like a fool. Kinda creepy, its bound to have bad karma, its still nice looking though!
tripples are dogs out of the whole and with todays techonoligy in sleds thats consdidered slow.. its scary id preffer a f-series over any tripple
i seen those with big bore kits like 1250cc kits and nice set of jaws pipes with reeds and clutch work running very fast..............and ooo not my cup of tea for the arctic cat its all about the skidoo xp 800r 151hp stock and a chassie thats light and weights about 425lbs