bogging please help!!!!!!


Aug 26, 2011
Pacific northwest, washington
so as some of you may no i have a little 1979 suzuki jr 50 2 stroke dirtbike im trying to get running again. so i can start it WITH the choke on but not off and it bogs out and dies after about 5 seconds of revving it. so what could be the cause and does anyone know what the plug gap is for these little beasts?
ok so update: i cleaned the carb and that helped alot, i put in fresh gas, its been sitting for 10 years lol. i cleaned oil injector out and put in fresh oil, changed tranny oil, i used the pvc silicone for a gasket inbetween carb and head, new airfilter is in it,compression is at 120. and i rode it down the road and it rides good but i just cant get it to idle.. can you explain the idle procedure for me again please? thanks

UPDATE AGAIN: ok so just after revving it up and taking it for a quick ride the plug was blackish brown and dry as a drout so whats that mean?
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Try some seafoam. I just bought a raptor 50 for my son and it wouldnt idle without the choke either. Put some in and let it run for a few minutes then cut it off to let the seafoam do its trick. Came back about 2-3 hours later and it would allmost stay running. After running it for about 20 minutes after that it idles fine now. Worth a try.
Idle adjusting. This is for a Blaster but should give you an idea.

Start with air screw 1.5 turns out.

Set idle screw so that it has some sort of idle. With TORS big screw under seat on top of unit. No TORS brass screw midway down carb body.

Warm up motor and then set idle screw for a fast idle.

Adjust air screw either way to get the fastest idle.

Adjust air screw a little at a time leaving 10 secs to allow the motor to respond.

Re adjust idle screw for desired idle .
The reving up and die with the choke on is typical of an air leak.
Don't miss the first step, leak test it. Make a adapter to fit.

A spark plug gap of 0.030" will put you in the right ball park until you can find a manual.

i have no way to clamp the leak tester into the intake though because it has no intake boot, the carb goes straight into the head...

Where is your ingenuity man?
Plug the intake (plastic film over the hole and install the carb)
and make a plate for over the exhaust (2 holes on a steel plate, RTV to seal).
You can drill the exhaust plate for a tire fill valve stem and use a tire pressure gauge to monitor the leak down.

Alternatively you can use the spark plug hole to fill and measure pressure.
Saw off an old sparkplug and epoxy a fill and gauge connection to it.

Ingenutity man. This stuff gets geared up in minutes in the old messy garage.
As JFK said:
"Ask not what stops you from getting it done, but what can YOU do for yourself to see it done!"
or words to that effect...
