Bogging down problem


Nov 14, 2011
Fredericksburg, VA
my 01 blaster doesnt want to move. Its starts fine but when put into gear and let go of the clutch it bogs and shuts off. Sometimes it bogs when i hit the throttle in neutral too. It has never been the same since it backfired and blew the reeds through the carb into the air filter boot. I cleaned the carb an put new boyesen reeds in. And now it doesnt want to move. Im thinking the clutch might be bad or something with the carb or intake? Any ideas?
Well sounds like you have an idea on how to work on these little beasts, When you say cleaned the carb, did you disassemble it completely? Or just take the bowl off and spray carb cleaner in there? Is it all stock? tors connected? filter clean? air filter boot clean?

It could be clogged jets from a sliver of reed, could also have nothing to do with the Carb. I can't remember if the 01 blasters have a parking brake, If so make sure it's off!
thanks to this site. but sadly i have more hours working on it than riding it.

I have removed the parking brake. all of the other thing done are in my sig. I didn't take the float assembly out but everything else was was removed and cleaned. I think it could be the jetting (its still stock. and yes I know that's bad with whats done to it) but I can't do a plug chop when it won't move. everything worked fine before the reed issue. I plan on changing jets very soon. judging by my mods, where do you guys think I should start?
Do not even dream of placing your foot on the kicker until you dump at least a #300 or larger main jet in the carby.:(
so I put in a 300 main jet and a new spark plug. fired right up and I rode around for 5min or so but it kept shutting off on me. i was able to get it started after waiting for a min. it wasn't overheating or making weird sounds. it would just eventually bog down. it did this when I needed a top end bore job due to loss of compression but I don't even have 8hrs ride time on it. I really hope that's not the case... any suggestions?
I would be checking the TORS system or clutch over ride. I worked on a blaster today that the clutch over ride plug was bad on. Unplugged that and it ran perfect.
Sorry if I seem like a wet blanket, but 8 hours ride time, is more than enough it takes to fry a motor which has an air leak.

Did you leak test it after the rebuild?

Did you do heat cycles?

Have you done a plug chop to confirm the 300 jet.

Is the float level set correctly?

On the bright side it could just be a partially blocked gas line or some crap in the needle and seat assembly.
Did you leak test after rebuild?

Heat cycles are bringing the new rebuild up to operating temperature by blipping the throttle at stand still. Then the motor is let cool for 30 minutes.

3 to 5 cycles should be done and then the head and jug retorqued to set the gaskets.

The head and jug may leak if this is not done and create air leaks which will make for a lean mix.
I had the rebuild done at a shop and they told me that they did do a leak test. I have never taken the top end off myself. but the reed cage has been in and out a couple time. I have a new gasket for it that I'll put in sometime this week.

also, some exhaust smoke came out between the pipe itself and the bracket bolts. I'm guessing that's not good. could that be the problem? I havent ridden it since.
if I put my hand on the pipe and wiggle it, it has a little movement in it. on my other 2 stroke the pipe doesn't budge.
Any leak on the exhaust or inlet will upset the breathing, hard to believe but a leaky exhaust sucks in air and could be the cause of the jetting to be out by 2 or 3 jet sizes.