That pipe sounds great. It installed really easy and sealed up nice.
Bike barely idles. Pulled pipe back off and leak tested again. 6 lbs 5 minutes. good to go. sprayed around carb and no change in idle. confident i don't have an air leak.
I think i need to visit my pilot circuit. I have always felt like the idle to 1/4 throttle was off. Now with the new pipe it idles like absolute garbage.
I have the tors box still on, disconnected but on. Idle screw is all the way out. 6 - 6.5 turns. and the throttle slack adjuster on the throttle itself is almost all the way out. AS is at 3/4 turn out. It idles ok there, but not great.
Off idle it actually seems to run great. 300 MJ Needle on #5. I took it for a small spin to hear it and feel it. Pulls hard through 3 gears. Screams louder than King Kong's last one night stand. I shut her down til i get the idle sorted out. with the pilot circuit out of whack i'll never get a proper tune.
I also need to repack that FMF.
still running the stock pilot. 32.5
I think i will just go through and tune everything for the AFR all across the board.
Plan of Attack:
Drop needle back to stock.
Repack silencer.
Start moving richer/leaner on the pilot 1 step at a time.
Move needle clip back to 5 adjust as needed. etc etc.
Then we will move to the main.
As tempted as I am to just holler "WHAT JET DO I NEED?"
I really just need to dive in there and figure it out as I go.
won't run it again till i am happier. til then i am unhappier.