Blaster tires

I said it before to some other people and I'll say it again, itp mudlites are the sh*t ! They have nasty 3/4 in. tread and provide awesome traction in any terrain including rock/gravel, mud, and snow ... and I believe they're the lightest 6-ply you can buy ( hence the name mudlites ). You can get 2 rear tires for $140 shipped from
Im trying to choose between the xc's and the mud lites also. All i am worried about is the mud lite being harder to turn. Is it that big of a difference or do people just make it out to be? I would like 22's for the added clearance... and the badass look haha.
I just did a nasty mud and rock ride in May with the ITP MudLights.
They were the right tire for the ride, never stuck. Check these vid links:


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The ITPs were the BOMB in the mud and water. Absolutely awesome.
MUCH better than the bald turf savers I tried to get away with last year:


The ITPs are a bit wallowy in turns, but if you stand on the pegs you soon get used to the loose ride and can toss it around pretty good.
Traction is EXCELLENT in mud, water or sand. Rocks and logs pretty good too. Larger diameter than other 22x11x8 tires too.
You do notice the weight of them, and need some power to swing them.
Lighter than most mud tires but still heavier than most sport tires.

Running a worn set of Kenda Dirt Dog 22x11x8 now. Lighter, eat less power than the ITPs. Grab pretty good even worn.
Corner better than the ITPs. I like these. A 20" would corner better but I like these and would buy a set for all round trail use.

The Kenda Dirt Dogs 22-11-8 are noticeably lighter, but also shorter than the 22-11-8 ITP MudLites.
These are worn, so hard to tell if they are equal to the MudLites even though the tread is nearly the same type.
The Kenda Dirt Dogs seem to grip good as they are, 2/3 worn and backwards due to tapered wear.
Still not the equal of the ITPs. Did you see the video? Those ITPs pushed me through water and mud like I had jet propulsion!

My steering stem is the stock Blaster cut below the upper bushing and a 5" section of pipe slid over it and welded to extend it 3"
Much more comfortable for my 5'11" frame. Triplecrown has the same mod, he is 6'2" I believe.
Looking to lowering my foot pegs 2" to further improve the ergonomics.