blaster keeps blowing bulbs


New Member
Nov 28, 2009
i got a new blaster and the headlight and taillight bulbs were blown i replaced them and in less then 10 min of riding the bulbs were gone i changed the regulater and still have the same prob any ideas?
the only problem i can think of is the voltage regulator (that silver box under the hood)
i knon you said you changed it but maybe the new one was bad too
Had the same problem, the second voltage regulater was bad as well.
the third one worked like a charm.
It sounds like its most likely the voltage regulator, but it could also be a bad coil on the stator. You can test the coils to see if that is the problem, if not then you know it the voltage regulator. The specifications are in the clymer manuals but i don't have mine right now to check.
It sounds like its most likely the voltage regulator, but it could also be a bad coil on the stator. You can test the coils to see if that is the problem, if not then you know it the voltage regulator. The specifications are in the clymer manuals but i don't have mine right now to check.

I got my Clymer handy, so... Test the resistance of the charge/lighting coil by probing the yellow/red and black wires with the engine off. Resistance should be 0.16-0.24 ohms at approx. 68 degress F (20 C). Resistance decreases with temperature, so if it's colder that 68 F in your shop, you'll probably get lower readings, even with a good part.

You can also start the engine with the lighting coil leads unhooked from the regulator, and test the coil output. It should be a minimum of 12.5 volts @ 3K RPM's. Maximum allowable voltage is 15 volts @ 8K RPM's.

Then, hook the regulator up and test voltage output at the regulator. Under NO load, the output at the regulator should be 13.5-14.1 volts DC. If any of these specs are not met, replace the faulty part. My gut tells me that you've got a bad lighting/charging coil. There is a short somewhere. Probably in the coil.

If everything tests OK, you may have a short in the light switch on the handlebars; ie, an accidental ground. You'll probably see such a problem right away when the switch is taken apart. It's not likely, but possible, and totally FREE to check!I:I