Blaster go kart


New Member
Dec 24, 2012
Trevorton, PA
this is a gokart i built out of an old blaster i had sitting out back my house. thing was insane untill the motor caught fire.


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Reactions: weatherjack
welcome to BF merv.
that may just be the best go-cart fab work i've seen on here, very nice work !!!
any vids of it ripping ??
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no vids anymore. had it on me phone but my phone got busted. sold the frame without the motor for 250 bucks. ish i still have it. i still hve the blueprits that i drew up for it
This is an old thread of mine but im thinking about building these type buggies as a side hobby to make a little extra cash. Take a look please and tell me what You would pay or what you think they would be worth. If I do this it would be custom built for the costumer. How they want it to be.
Make a "roll cage" or bigger guard around the motor. Something that looks like its from an actual company, stronger and sturdier for the powa!

I would say powder coat it all.
Pipe, black high temp paint, and rather than flipping it, leave it the stock angle to the right (not pipe, just angle) And cut the pipe piece off the muffler to make it shorter
if I were to buy one id like to have one with a 700xx rearend or one that is similar that is independent rear insead of a straight axle
I have an independent rear design. I blue printed it I just never got around to building it for the buggy before I sold it. I'm thinking about building another one. This time with IRS to see how it would turn out.
Hi Mervhengst
Awesome build, you don't have more pics or the blueprints you are talking about? Have an extra blaster, would really like to build one for my son