

New Member
Feb 9, 2014
Edison, New Jersey
been trying many things to get this 2000 blaster running, here is a list of new parts.

stator, piston, coil, carb rebuilt, new gaskets, oil seal on clutch side and some others.

there are no leaks since I changed the seal and I am getting fuel because it sputters every few kicks but won't run. I tried to push start it but it did not respond well to that. So the only thing I can think is wrong is timing. The new stator is adjustable and the old one was not. I lined them up in the same spot, I am getting spark but is it the correct spark. I feel l have spent enough. Any thoughs?
I Don't see reeds on your list. Did you check the reed pedals for proper sealing? Also did you check the flywheel key? Did you do a leak down test to confirm no leaks?
x2 on reeds and flywheel. Is the spark a strong blue, or a week and lazy orange color? Did you do a compression test? Carb Cleaned out?

Changing the seal is good, but a leak down test is the only surefire way to know your leak free. Build or buy a leakdown tester. Money well spent if your going to own a 2-stroke machine.

Good luck and hope this helps.
okay, I examined the reeds and they are clean, there are no gaps or cracks, the key is new. Could the reeds be the issue even if they look good? Nobody agrees with my timing theory I guess... I will look into buying a tester.
Could it also be the cold weather? Mine just simply won't start in the weather we've had here lately. But, when the garage is really warm from the salamander the bike will fire right up with one kick.
Could it also be the cold weather? Mine just simply won't start in the weather we've had here lately. But, when the garage is really warm from the salamander the bike will fire right up with one kick.

You should not have a problem starting a bike in cold weather. Your air screw might be out of adjustment. Mine will start first or second kick in 10 degree weather.

You should not have a problem starting a bike in cold weather. Your air screw might be out of adjustment. Mine will start first or second kick in 10 degree weather.
Sounds like a mistake on my part lol. I'll have to mess with it tomorrow, as I did rebuild the carb recently. Thanks for the tip! ;)
I am getting fuel because it sputters every few kicks but won't run.

Classic symptoms of flooding or broken flywheel key.

sorry, spark is blue and strong plug is wet as well.. Would a 22 dollar tester from harbor freight do the trick I am a cheap mofo.

Have you flooded it with all the trying to start it?

Pull the plug, drain the carby, wide open the throttle and kick it until your leg hurts.

That should purge the crankcase and cylinder of excessive gas and oil.

It is important that the float level and air screw setting be correct to avoid flooding.

Good idea to use a new plug.
okay, I examined the reeds and they are clean, there are no gaps or cracks, the key is new. Could the reeds be the issue even if they look good? Nobody agrees with my timing theory I guess... I will look into buying a tester.

welcome to BF !

if reeds look good, and are closing completely, they shouldn't be a factor.
wouldn't be the first "new" stator that is bad.

tried a new plug ? they can foul quickly
You can use an Ohm meter to check your stator the values and how to test it are in the manual. You can download the manual from the site. You can also check your coil with the Ohm meter.
repaired a leak on the boot where the reeds are. passed leak down test after that. she will now sputter for a few seconds longer than before. sounds like it wants to run but cannot.. it did backfire quite loudly a couple of times. Again I will reach out and see what you guys think..I feel I am close..
Recently rebuilt one and mine did the same thing check the ohm reading on the stator primary and secondary... One may be bad creating a weak spark even if ur test shows it firing... Also ohm the coil out u need to eliminate as many possibility before just throwing parts at it... GL