Blaster Colour Schemes?


Apr 20, 2011
does anyone have the list of colour schemes from 1988-2006? i know most of them around the 2000+ colours but im lost in the 90's
1988 Faraway Blue/White and Chappy Red/White
1989 Silver/Chappy Red and White/Bluish Green Solid(Teal)
1990 White/Maxim Yellow and Silver/Chappy Red
1991 White/Bluish Green Solid(Teal) and Faraway Blue/Faraway Blue
1992 VPBS(Light Blue)/New Eltoro Orange and White/Magenta Solid(Pink)
1993 White/Deep Violet Solid(Purple)
1994 Purple/Purple and Forest Green/Bluish Green Solid(Teal)
1995 Deep Reddish Purple Solid(Purple)/Black and Ink Blue(Dark Blue)/Ink Blue(Dark Blue)
1996 Black/Black and Ink Blue(Dark Blue)/Ink Blue(Dark Blue)
1997 High Temp Red/Black and Yellow/Black
1998 Blue/Blue and Red/Red <---not confirmed
1999 White/Black and Blue/Black
2000 White/Black and Blue/Black

this is what i gathered from the color codes, etc
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I have a Yamaha blaster took head off and top of piston has bunch of numbers on the top also seen a letter m.what kind of piston is it ?
nice list man :)
its not eeasy to find blaste color scheme online, unlike banshee where u czn find it all pretty easy