well this is my first post besides the intro but my blaster seized up tonight i was cruising pretty fast but i dont think i was over reving or anything but once it cooled down it started right back up but thats the third time thats happened but the first time it melted the piston and scored the cylinder pretty bad so i bored it and put a piston in it then it did it again but didnt score the cylinder so i just got a new piston in and got the oil block off kit and mixed it to 32:1 and tonight i think i caught it early but dont know why it happend. i was wondering if its the jets becuase it does have a pipe on it and and k&n air filter but the guy i bought it from said he put new jets in but just went right in the middle of the 5 different ones so if you guys have any ideas why that would happen that would be great because im kinda clueless im trying to learn how to work on these things so if you could give me wat you think that would be great thanks josh