billet parts contest

Mar 4, 2010
Clackamas, Oregon
heres the rules for the contest:post as much as you want just no more than one post will be allowed per hour. i will use a random # generator to draw the #s - your post will be your # that will be assigned to you. there will be three winners draw sunday 10 pm my time west coast. winners will then be posted.first prize will also get a ebreak block off plate thrown in,secound and third place will get just the top cover only. winner will pay shiping cost on part won. prize is a break master cylinder cover for rear break. and to be fare to all others i am ganna be picking up a billet gas cap and i will do one more contest for thoes of you that dont have rear hydros- i will try for mid week thanks I:I . no one can win twice if drawn twice will draw agian thanks.

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Can't afford shipping! Can I just pick it up... LOL... 8:01 i know this autobump hour thing! ya been payin attention. LOL
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