AND a word of advice....i beleive if memory serves correctly the nut on crand is reverse thread and u can stick a penney between the gears to keep it from moving. also there are some dots on there...make sure u line them up. usually when it is a bad crank seal the plug will oil foule really easy and look oily..gear oil doesnt burn well. i would also guess bad seal...oh and u have to pull the flywheel off to replace the other side...
well i ordered the seals.. but today i went out and fired it up and it smokes alot less..
ill take a vid of it today.. so my plug should look like sh*t right?
put a new plug and put about 10 min of run time on it and its pretty much black. and i dont like the smell of my exhaust anymore.. lol
correct,your plug should be as dark and wet as it can get and if it still smokes dense like that,even if its less its still the seal, the change in gas wont affect the smoking.
it was less smoke for the first min then got just as thick.
i pulled the plug yea its black.. so she will sit with my taken apart ski untill all my parts get here.. lol
change them crank seals brotha!!! that is your problem dont do more damage! keep her off! id start slowly taking it apart and clean it before the parts get here. little by little each day that cuts the work down