Big Bore Kit on xr100???question


New Member
Aug 15, 2009
Floyds Knobs, IN
I've got a friend of mine that wants to buy a Big Bore Kit for his 2001 Honda Xr100.....He wants to know if it requires a "aftermarket" exhaust for fmf.
dont see why you would need an aftermarket exhaust for one
why would you waste time big boring it anyways still gonna be slow
I agree with Blasterdude14. For the money he is going to drop to do that too a XR100 he could just sell it and buy a 125 2stroke that will piss all over the big bore XR100.

Just my 2 cents
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I agrre with Blasterdude14. For the moey he is going to drop to do that too a XR100 he could just sell it and buy a 125 2stroke that will piss all over the big bore XR100.

Just my 2 cents

And it's two stroke, what more could you ask for?
if he really likes 4 stroke and doesnt want a 125 he should sell the xr100 and with that money and the big bore money buy a crf150f bigger/faster/newer
the 150F are still slow.. and no you dont need one its only 20 more cc's and no company is making a big bore pipe for it...

HAHAH! not exactly there buddy...those 150f's are mean little bikes and can be made to keep up with 250f's...there not slow in any means....yea maybe not as fast as 125's but there still not slow
HAHAH! not exactly there buddy...those 150f's are mean little bikes and can be made to keep up with 250f's...there not slow in any means....yea maybe not as fast as 125's but there still not slow

a crf150f is a slow turd. you are talking about a crf150r theres a major difference. 150r competes with 85s.
correct me if i'm wrong but the Crf150f is the slower more trail orientated one... the crf150r is the race one... either way ive ridden the f and its a great trail bike..
edit: double post
yes the 150r is the race bike and they kick a$$ and the 15f is trail.......the 150r can be made sickly fast for a 149cc engine
ya i was gonna say haha... its fine but iv ridden both.. the R is all out sweet i didnt find one problem with the design when i was riding it.. the F is slow and deffinetly for the trail suspension cant handel the jumps well and likes to fly front down which is scary