Best Stress Reliever?


Sep 4, 2009
Well, everyone manages stress and anger in different ways... what is everyones best way to get rid of that rage built up inside them?

I generally throw stuff around and cuss at everything just to get some anger out. I try my best not to involve anyone else because they don't deserve it.
i've only once thrown anything out of anger. never made sense to me, always end up making a bigger mess out of thiings and make myself more pissed LOL
Well, everyone manages stress and anger in different ways... what is everyones best way to get rid of that rage built up inside them?

I generally throw stuff around and cuss at everything just to get some anger out. I try my best not to involve anyone else because they don't deserve it.

i have broke 3 ratchets this year lol, they dont take throws well lol,

other than that, i nice cold beer always helps
i used to throw stuff, punch walls, swear, but that is kiddie bullshit and you will soon learn that not only does it make you look like a idiot like brando said it usually leads to bigger issues without doing a damn thing to help the current problem. these days i might say a few words to myself but all in all i just take a deep breath and fix what needs to be fixed. scoobie doobie doooooooooooooooooooo lol I:I
beat the piss out of the blaster,
50+ miles per hour thru the tight trails, with trees whizzin by a few inches away always works for me !!!!!!!!!!
yeh dude ha awk i do the same thing man i alway go out side and pull out the lbaster and beat the ball of it hahah not to good or if not i normally curse and punch a couple holes in things hahaha idkk dude that helps me alot or go have a chew lol!
after 4 broken right hands, i've learned to punch things wisely, or aim for the nose, it's way softer than the forehead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and never, ever, ever punch a furnace !!!!! it may look like flexible sheetmetal, but trust me, theres cast iron right underneath there, but still better than blasting "her"
even though she deserved it.
/\/\/\ yeah, forgot about my "double end bag" in the garage
best thing for me is to go to the gym...its something that gets your anger out,tires you out so you dont care anymore,and its good for you...if your smart you wont hurt yourself...
i used to throw stuff and freak out...i dont do that anymore

and i dont drink anymore.. if i cant get out on the quad a quick rip on this usually works well.
