How many people here have had to get stiches or has. Had a broken bone from wrecking there quad/bike.
I myself was rampin my first dirtbike when I was 12 an well someone throw a big rock at me an I wrecked torwards the top of my ramp an I landed 25 feet from the ramp on top of my bike an the metal foot peg took out a big hunk of meat out of my shine all the way down to my bone. Had 3 layers of stiches to pull it all back togther an it had a totalof 500 stiches.
Then the last time I actully broke it riding my blaster was goin bout 25 through a weeded area that we always race threw. Well just happend to b a stump where there never use to b stump there an I went over my handle bars an my buddy behind me was on his 400ex an ass pack the blaster an shot it over the log an landed right on the top of my toes as I was laying on my back an it bent the top of mt foot flat onto my shin.
The moral of my stories are its always my right foot that gets messed up. WTF???
I myself was rampin my first dirtbike when I was 12 an well someone throw a big rock at me an I wrecked torwards the top of my ramp an I landed 25 feet from the ramp on top of my bike an the metal foot peg took out a big hunk of meat out of my shine all the way down to my bone. Had 3 layers of stiches to pull it all back togther an it had a totalof 500 stiches.
Then the last time I actully broke it riding my blaster was goin bout 25 through a weeded area that we always race threw. Well just happend to b a stump where there never use to b stump there an I went over my handle bars an my buddy behind me was on his 400ex an ass pack the blaster an shot it over the log an landed right on the top of my toes as I was laying on my back an it bent the top of mt foot flat onto my shin.
The moral of my stories are its always my right foot that gets messed up. WTF???