Battle Scares!!!!!!!!


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa
How many people here have had to get stiches or has. Had a broken bone from wrecking there quad/bike.

I myself was rampin my first dirtbike when I was 12 an well someone throw a big rock at me an I wrecked torwards the top of my ramp an I landed 25 feet from the ramp on top of my bike an the metal foot peg took out a big hunk of meat out of my shine all the way down to my bone. Had 3 layers of stiches to pull it all back togther an it had a totalof 500 stiches.

Then the last time I actully broke it riding my blaster was goin bout 25 through a weeded area that we always race threw. Well just happend to b a stump where there never use to b stump there an I went over my handle bars an my buddy behind me was on his 400ex an ass pack the blaster an shot it over the log an landed right on the top of my toes as I was laying on my back an it bent the top of mt foot flat onto my shin.

The moral of my stories are its always my right foot that gets messed up. WTF???

Sorry can't edit my post on my phone but I also forgot to mention that part of the moral of the stroy my parents wouldn't let me own anything again until I bought my first banshee when I was 16. Lol. My dad wanted to kick my ass so bad. I asked if I could barrow his truck to go pick up some wood an I returned with a 4 wheeler. He was mad until he climbed in his truck an noticed I filled his gas tank for him then he didn't care.
Ouch. That would suck. When I broke my ankle I was walkin on after 4 days an the doc was like I guess but if it starts hurting to get off of it. Lol
only time i ever got stitches was when i was 3 or 4 just playing around ran into a drawer and busted my eyebrow open now my eyebrow is split in 2 pieces lol

and i have sprained my ankle a ton of times what can i say i like to jump off of things
Yea that's y I love my dad so much. I feel bad for him right now cause my mom isn't doin the best. They live 5hrs from me now so I only get to see them like 2 if I'm lucky 3 times a year. So I like to get away sometime to visit my parents.
That's actully y I love goin there right before winter cause ill take like 3 days of vacation from work an just go down there an cut am split as much wood as I can with my dad to prepare them for the 3rd year of winter. He's almost 4 years ahead :). Makes me feel a lil comfy at night knowin that my parents can sleep warm. I'm might sound like a wimp but I just love my parents that much. I just try an help them as much as possible cause of all the sh*t they had to do when I was a kid so I figured when I start settle down its my turn to pay my parents back for all the good deeds they've donr for me.
Sorry man I'm just super bored drunkoff my ass. I have noone to talk to so I just post things up an watch it like a hawk so I can talk to somebody. Since my gf lives with me but we never talk cause it always ends in a damn fight.
Sorry man I'm just super bored drunkoff my ass. I have noone to talk to so I just post things up an watch it like a hawk so I can talk to somebody. Since my gf lives with me but we never talk cause it always ends in a damn fight.

haha its all good. yeaa drunk fights with the lady suck. lol.
i have never broken anything from riding...a couple weeks ago i jumped my shee and i guess i got the front brakes and my clutch mixed up, hit the ground and stoped immediatly..ended up getting a deep bruise on my thigh...

but i did break a few ribs last year playin ball...thats what happens when your line doesnt block for you and you have a fat ass D-linemen trying to kill you...haha
I was doing big donuts around a grass island and after switching to third and wacking it I hit a small patch off grass and the bike picked up and threw me, after I fell the bike came after me lol had a big ass rousty (Road rash) under my arm and chest, and looks like I wear camo there now lol
about 5 months ago i was sliding around on my pocket bike in the snow. i was sideways and my tires cought grip and i fell over and my leg caught the foot peg (i think) on the way over and ripped a pretty nice size hole in my leg. i had to get 6 stiches the best part is when i showed my sister she puked lol
that actully reminds me of the first time i bought brand new tires for my first shee when i was 16. i was used to riding on bald tires an doin donuts in the grass well after i got the new tires on i forgot went to do a donut an it went up on 2 wheels stuck my leg down like i was on a dirt bike an i ran my foot over an ripped my jeans from my ankle to my thigh. leg was bleedin like crazy but i kept riding.
I was taking a after market radio cage out of a car at school and forgot to bend a tab so i could get it out...anyways i started yanking on it an my thumb slipped running it across one of the tabs. I ended up with like 5 stitches in the center of my thumb. Going back to the dad not knowing you bought a shee, i bought my blaster and fixed it up at school and then told my dad like 6 months later when school was out he was pissed untill he saw it.
nice dude thats awsome. ive never got my dad to ride my quads until like 6 months ago he rode my blaster an he was scared of it an its stock. you also gotta think hes 64 lol