Banshee Pics

see i hate beer i love my vodka. if i want i use to beable to drink a 1/5 like it was water an not get any effects from it then i had to move up to 1/2 gallons an i could drink one of those in a 10 hr drinkin night. i know its sad. but like i said i could stay up tell 5am an then be up at 630 an be at work just fine.
even tho im still young i find that i caint drink like that any more 16-20 i was all about that but now i caint do it
i decided to cut myself back a lot. all because of another tail i was really startin to like an then she met that one dumbass friend that ruined it all. he was bitching about his problems with his woman an instead starting to say things that wasnt true (basiclly saying that this new woman an i where dating an we werent. he made her think that i was telling everyone that she was my girlfriend although i wasnt.) then we almost got into a fist fight an i kept tellin him to shut the f*ck up an led into other problems an yada yada yada.... so i was super pissed an now i just kinda hang with my other friends an they all give me sh*t saying we know how ur ex likes to push the buttons that piss you off an we know she does that so thats y if you ever go back to her we are never gonna talk to you again. so the way i see it is my friends will always be here for me an i can always find another woman. lol

wow boy did this ever get off subject lol
Waitn on the air box an filter I got ordered then gonna rebuild the left carb then its break in time an kinda go from there. We do a lot of higher speed trails so I don't wanna build it to be like a drag quad or anything. Heck I might be happy with just the exhaust reeds uni filter and being bored to a 383cc
yea thats also an option i was thinkin about doin if i need to resleeve tho. i wanna see what shee does now tho an thats y im dieing to get out an ride her an then do her lol i mean do it on her lol