bad luck


Nov 4, 2009
nanty glo pa
iv just been having all sorts of bad luck first the blaster ont run all winter and when it did it would just spit and sputer now i get it fixed runing all nice and i was out riding and master link broke no big deal right went up to yamaha to get a new one they tryed six different master links none of them fit 5 outa 6 to big the other one way to small and my brothers to lazy to take me to cernics to see if they have any that will fit so anit i just having some bad luck
kind of odd how a masterlink wouldnt fit the chain there really shouldnt be much of a difference in chain link sizes as long as it was for a 520 chain
yea thats what i was thinking its a 520 the guy at yamah was confuzed but all the ppl there are idiots took my bros blaster there to get fixed and they said it was the carb and they sai that the piston and everything was fine and a week laster we found out the pistion was fu**ed and i tryed forceing it in with a hammer and a lock of wood didnt even go in half way and the trying to get it out that was a huge pain lol
haha mine hasnt given me to many problems just small things like flat tires and bad spark plugs cloged gas tank broken master link lol but being the king would suck hope u were that crown proud lol but i had some good luck when i went to get my master link i got some 30$ anwser gloves the guy sold to me for 15
at least you got a deal on something there, that's always a good deal. i do wear the crown proudly lol. can't wait until i get my junk back together over the next couple weeks
yea haha when it broke i was chasing ppl with the chain threw a feild cuz they were making fun of me lol but thy were on crf 230s and a trx 450 o and my friend was on his home made street and trail bike its a 78 suzuki street bike that he busted out the tail lights put dirt bike tires on and it has dual chrome pipes like 5 inches off the ground the first day he took it ridig he layed it over and dislocated his knee but he was lucky his when right back in when that happened to me i had to go for a ride in a ambalance but my knee was like on the back of my leg lol but i just wana go riding lol