axle nut help!


New Member
Aug 18, 2010
Upstate New York
ive been needing new bearings for a while, but when i went to go put them in the axle nuts held me up. i got the first one off with alot of heat and a pipe wrench with a cheater bar, but the inner nut wont budge. ive been spraying it with pb for 2 days and plan on using alot of heat again, but im not sure witch direction the inner nut comes off? ive tried both directions and it didnt budge either way but i dont want to work against myself and tighten it instead of getting it off
lefty loosey, same as the outer one
when the cheater bar doesn't work, i have used a chisel, get a groove started on like a 45 degree angle, hammer on the chisel in the correct direction with a 2 lb. engineers hammer, hasn't failed me yet. leaves the nut looking like chit, but a quick hit with the grinder will clean it up enuf to use.
The hammerand chisel trick shocks the rust and junk under it loose.....sometimes. Perhaps a few minutes of the chisel method followed by some liberal pipe wrenching to keep the damage to the nut down?

If the nut is seized to the threads (one thread was damaged before or during installation) the chisel method will destroy it. Unforunately, at that point not much is going to help except destroying it! :(
thanks alot haha ive been working on putting a 97 rm250 motor in my blaster andbuilding it from the frame up. ive got everything mounted and painted now i just need to paint my carrier and swingarm and put in the fresh bearings. if i cant get it with a cheater ill try an air hammer if that doesnt work ill just cut it off and get a wider axle haha
I had great results with my Harbor Freight 24" crecest wench. It doesn't mar the bolts and gives you great leverage. Have you tapped around the outside of the bolt? it might losen any rusted parts in there.
I needed some leverage so I welded an old cam to my pipe wrench. Still was a mother ##### to get off !

I needed some leverage so I welded an old cam to my pipe wrench. Still was a mother ##### to get off !


hahahahahhahaha!!! That's one way to do it! I just stick a four foot pvc pipe onto the end on a harbor freight bigass monkey wrench. Then bounce on it I:I
yeah then just jump on the bi@%# !!.. like a super tight lug nut. im suprised heat didnt work though.. when in doubt use a bigger wrench , or make one in this case. :)
After the nut then the sprocket hub. I have a Blaster I never did get apart. Had a Warrior that wouldn't budge on a 50 ton press:o , tho I didn't think of heat also, even tho I was standing next to the torches. Amish dude only charged $5 for trying. Ended up splitting the hub nearly in two with a cut-off wheel, welded it up on installation, but not to axle:D

Highly recomend adding grease zerk to housing, or at least pop the seal and put more in it.'s+the+grease&sa=Search Also use anti seize or at least grease on the hub splines