Axle Install Help Please....


New Member
Jul 4, 2012
Was up fella's, so my Tusk Adjustable racing axle (Similar if not the same as the G-Force) just came in today and it took me about 15 minute to remove the stock axle (Thank God!!!) but the install instructions is hot garbage and totally useless ( I am lost!!!). I am not even sure what way to slide and what side to install into the axle bearing carrier??? First off is this in the right way?

NOTE: I just put all the spacers and C-clips on one side of the axle just to make sure I don't loose anything when I cleaned up and stopped for the day.



I have ordered new bearings and seals (should be in next week) but after I inspected the stock ones they look great (no cracks or cuts and still spin freely).

So does any one know exactly how and what to install and where the small and big spacers go?? I am pretty sure the C-Clips go into the groves on the axle but where does the small and big spacers go???


Any help would be greatly appreciated guys, if you need more pics let me know, Thanks!!!
i have a g-force
first of all..why are the damn decals always facing the wrong way...upside down ??? but they are.
unfortunately mine came used, setup for an 03+
i can tell you not assemble it wrong, i had to actually cut the spacer to get the clip out, then order new clip/spacer from rocky mountain

i believe for the 03+ axles, the brake hub itself slides into the carrier to create the seal, ????
if so.........
then you just need to lock it in place with the cup shaped spacer and the clip goes into it from the right side (looking from the rear) to lock your disc/hub into place

the smaller spacer/clip is for sealing the carrier seal on the pre 03 carriers with the floating discs, as it does not extend into the carrier

so, the smaller spacer/clip may be extra for your 03+ application, ???
and you just need the larger cup spacer (open end facing right) and clip to lock it into place from the right side

unfortunetly all my pics have a gsxr caliper in the way, but they were only going to show you how not to do it on your 03+ anyway

your sprocket side, axle nut looks correct..............
Thanks for the help Awk, I am not sure I will be able to fit the large spacer against the hub and lock it into place with the C-clip because closes the gap in the axle groove to where the C-clip cannot fit. And yes the brake hub slides right intot the axle bearing carrier. Here is a pic again of how much space between the outer brake hub and the C-clip groove is left.


Also for the 3 piece nut is this the proper way it will be installed and do you just tighten down on the nut until it is snug and tucked into the threaded spline screw, and then tighten down on the allen locking screw?


Again Awk and everyone I apologizes for all the questions, I just don't want to mess this up the first time, any other inputs especially for those with an 03' and up with the G-force/Tusk adjustable width axle your inputs, advice and any pics to help with my install would be greatly appreciated.
I have a gforce axle on my banshee but i am sure it would be more similar to the 03+ blaster so pics probably wouldnt help. I agree though - the instructions sucked even when gforce made them. I guess tusk just carried over the old instructions.
hmmmmmm, maybe you just need the c-clip on that brake side, although, if you haven't tightened it up yet, it may suck it to the right far enuf for the cup spacer and c-clip

and yes on the axle nut, push the c-clip into the goove and tighten the big nut so the inner piece pushes against the sprocket hub, and tighten the set screw

EDIT........... that first part didn't make any sense, sucking it in further is gonna leave less room, you sure the brake hub is into the carrier the whole way ????

push it back out to the brake side far enuf to get the cup washer and c-clip on, then push it all as one into the carrier, then tighten the axle nut
Yes the brake hub goes all the way into the axle carrier and the axle pushes all the way in and stops exactly as shown in the pic (brake hub side) How would I know if the axle is longer on one side than the other? LOL!!! And which way is the spacer face?? Awk can I see a pic of your axle on the hub side please? I have yet to install the C-Clip, but when I do how did you do it? Just tap it in there with a hammer and and open end flat side of a wrench?
here's how i'd do this from start to finish, if i remember correctly, and seeing your pic, for the 03+ you do not need the smaller spacer on the inner brake hub side,
the brake hub does that job,
remove the axle locking nut, or slide it towards the wheel on that side
enough to slide the axle out the brake side a few inches, install the cup spacer in past the outer most clip groove,
cup side facing out
install the clip and slide the cup spacer over it,
slide the axle into and against the brake hub then do the axle locking nut and tighten down
check rotation of the axle, as it seems possible to over tighten these ? not tighten so much the axle will not turn freely

and yes, just tap the clip, working it around evenly until it seats in the groove, it is spring steel and will not bend or damage easily
Please anyone with an 03+ Blaster running the G-Force Racing axle/Tusk Adjustable axle, can you post pictures of both you sprocket side with the 3 way nut and Brake hub side with whatever spacer you installed or both before I install the C-Clips.
Thanks Awk so much for the help, so is this what you are talking about?


and will it look like this once the cup space is slid over the C-Clip?


Or is it this way?


Man brotha I'm so sorry to keep beating the dead horse, I just hate the fact there install instructions is crap, Thanks again you and mk2dubbin for responding. Trust me I tried google and looking at other forums to see how its done and either there is no pics or the pics quality is bad when I zoom in and I can't see the way the axle was installed.
you have everything correct as you put them on when you stopped for the day ...clip in the groove against the 3 way nut
and the pic you showed that you think does not allow enuf room for the clip and cup spacer, the cup spacer goes on first, cup facing outwards, then the clip
thats why you need to slide the axle out that side first, to allow you room for those to go on, when you tighten the 3 way nut, it will pull it all together and slide the cup spacer over the clip

the second smaller spacer and clip then gets sent to me for a spare for my pre 03 set-up, LOL
just saw your latest pics.....THE SECOND PIC IS CORRECT


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LOL If I dont need the smaller cupped spacer and you need it no proble, bro if i get everything on right!!! So the very last pic I posted with the Larger cupped spacer facing the way it is (cupped open end torward the wheel hub) will automatically lock itself over the smaller spacer via the 3 way nut?
Yes, you guys have it figured out. The last spacer and awks pics are correct. The other spacer is meant if you have an older blaster with the floating disc I believe. My durablue is the same way
LOL If I dont need the smaller cupped spacer and you need it no proble, bro if i get everything on right!!! So the very last pic I posted with the Larger cupped spacer facing the way it is (cupped open end torward the wheel hub) will automatically lock itself over the smaller spacer via the 3 way nut? LOL replies at the same time!!! Ok so if I get off at a decent time tomorrow I will give it a shot and make a DIY Thread just for this axle!!!! and yes I think you should rewrite the install instructions for tusk with you mad computer skills!!! Thanks again Awk, I will let you know how it goes as soon as I get a chance to work on it again. Awesome thanks Awk and 245stroker!!!
yep, and yep
extra spacer and clip is only for 88-02 floating disc axles

sounds like you got it RW671 !
pm sent
Thanks again fella's, that's why this is the best forum out there cause everyone helps everyone. Now I get to finish hopefully before the weekend so I can go for one more ride before I deploy next week, again thank you all!!
keep your head down and ass safe while deployed bro,
thanx for protecting our freedom !!!!!!