AWK's wild ride II

Bro that is his, Dad doesn't have a quad, i just build them and fix em. But I love to do that, some day i'll have my own!
Bro that is his, Dad doesn't have a quad, i just build them and fix em. But I love to do that, some day i'll have my own!

Oh, snap, Finkle is Einhorn!!!!! Einhorn is Finkle!!!!

Got it, did not until right now.
So, guess the little misses loses out on her Rappy when you and Shane go out rompin though right????

Yeah, time for Pops to get his own project, let's start a donation fund to the Slickster for a build project!!!!! I:I
Oh, snap, Finkle is Einhorn!!!!! Einhorn is Finkle!!!!

Got it, did not until right now.
So, guess the little misses loses out on her Rappy when you and Shane go out rompin though right????

Yeah, time for Pops to get his own project, let's start a donation fund to the Slickster for a build project!!!!! I:I

But i just put here bright Pink Oury grips on so I be wavin the fag towel next time,. HEEEHEE
Hell ya! That is the best work out we can get every muscle even some I never new I had was sore for three days! But I'd like to do it every week, I could probably drop some fat and add some muscle!
Hell ya! That is the best work out we can get every muscle even some I never new I had was sore for three days! But I'd like to do it every week, I could probably drop some fat and add some muscle!

Ya got that god damnz right. ^^^^^^^^^^^
my wife was on rub down duty for at least a week after that extravaganza... :D

If I lived anywhere near that mountain I would look like Arnold in his day...
I feel special now! Kind a like when you get your first kiss..... NAHHHH just kiddin, i was very bored at work and spend 8 and a half hours on this forum....most I ever done.

I just felt it necessary!!
Amazed that AWK has not chimed in yet for some good ol' ball bustin, A$$ breakin chop bustin!!!!

Well, us "OLD MEN" seem to do pretty well up there in AWK territory, no doubt.
I survived!!! I:I

hell ya all u guys did awsome but u dont wana ride here every day it gets soo boring to the point u dont even wana ride there any more thats where im at it only fun at all when u got a qouple of guys riding wit u
hell ya all u guys did awsome but u dont wana ride here every day it gets soo boring to the point u dont even wana ride there any more thats where im at it only fun at all when u got a qouple of guys riding wit u

well mabey one day you gusy should take a trip out to nanty hoe not to much more here but im sure ya would like a change good lot of open space and some nice trails i think you would have fun in the school feild theres a nice double you would probley like to try and kill yourself on lol i never hit it i dont have the balls lmao mabey show some of the locals around here whats up lol
Another day of jetting.... I still have a slight hesitation between 1/4 and 1/2, I have tried all needle positions, and air screw adjustments, I think I need a different needle, Plug chop came back awesome, Maybe tomorrow I'll do it all over again, then get ready for a trip to the mountain!!

On another note, I figured I'd do a good look over on the raptor now that the blasty is just about there on jettin, low and behold the mountain beat up the raptor too. There was a weld cracked on the frame right where the heelguard bolts too, cleaned it up and put a new bead on it, also found one on my welds cracked on the skids I made for the swing arm, all fixed now and ready to go... YThe mountain is callin, slicker....slicker...