scarrrrrrrrrrryyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that woulda probabaly freaked me out when i was lik 2 or 3...... my favorite show was in fact tellatubbies or how ever u spell it??? but tinkywinkey and poe lol good times
scarrrrrrrrrrryyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that woulda probabaly freaked me out when i was lik 2 or 3...... my favorite show was in fact tellatubbies or how ever u spell it??? but tinkywinkey and poe lol good times
well i'll be flippin through channels and i happen to come accross it and i think it cant hurt to watch it for a little bit, and then my little brother comes in and gives me a weird stare and i tell him he can have the remote. hahaha thats normal here and then i just come into the computer room and come on here