does anyone know what kinda quad/dirtbike the mikuni vm28mm roundslide carb came off of, the blaster throttle cable barrel doesent seem to want to fit into it, could i somehow grind down the throttle cable barrel to make it fit?
Think he means the standard blaster slide will not fit in the carb he has, and could he grind it bigger pretty sure you dont want to do that! Buy the correct slide for that carb
Forget the technical name of it, ferrel maybe? How much you talking about grinding? Wether you grind that or drill/dremal the slide something is never going to be the same ever again.
wow, you're on a roll today !
we all have them now and then
Well I'm not talking about the f**cking slide either. At the very end oif the cable I believe it is called a ferrel.. Depending on the carb design it is either held to the top of the slide with a holder with screws, or there is a slot in the carb that you fish the cable through and it hooks into a recessed hole on underside of carb
Sorry bout that, musta had a spike in my blood pressure.
Ferrule - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
At my age they're called senior moments.