Anyone ever use this cylinder kit?

Mine runs great. But like I said, im not gonna send it to ken for him to do the magic touch. I would trust a yama cylinder over this one just because the price is so ridiculous cheap. But hey its 2 for 2 on my end as far as running well. Like I said tomorrow will be a good test and I will do a compression check when we get back from our ride
Henry, maybe someday after you get a little time on your quad (or even your friend does as well) with this elcheapo kit you can reply back here just to let others know if this is one of those cases where a person can in fact get more than they pay for :)
I know it's rare, but sometimes the cheap china knockoffs are worth spending a few bucks on.
Hey my bad, we have been riding pretty much non stop every free minute. rode last weekend and today. i've been doing compression checks on both his and my bike with no change. his dropped to 124 but all is well. running strong and no complaints at all. i did the test and forgot to post the results sorry blasterd
i just ordered this last week installed in but havent started it yet will keep you guys posted
i recieved on of these cylinder kits a few days is ok. but it needs a few hours of love with a dremel tool. there was no chamfering on the ports. there was aluminum from the casting in the bore:eek:. im gonna post some pictures here in a bit, ive already got to work on it with the dremel for a few hours.
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Threw in a pic of my ported transfers


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And something else I wasn't happy with is it didnt include any studs


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I ported and cleaned mine up as well before I ever put it on. It had a couple rough casting marks but noting major. However my buddy's we unboxed and bolted right up. Just got in from an after work 3 hr ride amd both still running fine.
imo if i bolted this thing up the way it came out of the box it wouldnt have ran long. there was no chamfering on the ports and im almost sure it would have snagged a ring.
Well searched for a over a week for a good deal on a stock jug, couldnt find one so I bought this last night, took a couple beers for me to hit the BIN lol! Will be here Tuesday. I will make sure to get some real good pics of all the ports, transfers and everything.
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I went to my local shop and got a oem cylinder bored and 135 psi. So you better really clean up those ports or you will have metal shavings in your bottom end.
It will get a very good cleaning, polishing of the ex port, maybe some porting to clean up the casting flaws and def chamfer the ports.
if we even half to ask these questions.
then it is a gamble.
do you want it for 1 year/or do you want it for 4 years.
nothing like some good ole oem parts/either for your quad or your car.