Or... Are we talking about steam powered blasters? :-/
i used to, but dont anymore as my pc is so slow,
lol im still upgrading mine... so far its probs one of the fastest dell studios out there. getting new motherboard and GPU Wednesday!
my good laptop has a broken lcd screen. So i dont know when im getting a new one.
buy a new screen off ebay for like 30-40$ and install it ur self or go to geeksquad
been there done that and there more wrong with the laptop then that. my mom spilled mountain dew all over the keyboard whic got to the cpu/motherboard. easier to buy new
I built a sweet computer (still using) back in 08. Was awesome gaming, then new sh*t came out a month later and i said F that hobby.
You have to provide more info on stuff like that so us non nurds know what your talking about. Lol/jk.