Another bogged out Blaster


Oct 8, 2009
Well when I tried to go riding the other day I got my first dose of the bogs. The last time I rode she ran fine but this time I couldn't even get it out of the gear I was in without revving her up and letting go of the clutch to get back home.

The past two times I started it ( didn't ride ) it would start up and then cut out then it would be a pain in the ass to get it started again. Also it sounds like the quad is farting ( for lack of a better word ) out the airbox when trying to kick it over.

As far as I know the TORS is still connected ( it is still on the carb). When this rain stops I'll get a chance to mess around with it.

Does this sound like a TORS problem or something else? When I get to mess with it I plan on disconnecting the TORS( if it's still connected) and changing out the plug. If it's still acting up I'll try spraying out the carb and change out the gas for some new mix. If that fails I'll pull the reeds and check them out.

I didn't change anything from the last time I rode other than switching from a K&N to a uni. Does this sound like a classic TORS problem or something else. Thanks.
Forgot to mention that in the other bogging threads I read that most of them the quad would still idle buy would bog when on the throttle, mine doesn't even Idle and instantly cuts out ( I've never had a problem with it not idling ). Air/fuel screw is 1 and a quarter turn out.
No parking brake. I don't recall ever hearing the loud "fart" while kicking over so just want to stress that if it's a symptom. Unless the difference in noise is coming from the switch from the k&n to uni.
The simple quick-fix for the TORS is to diconnect the blk/wht wire from the TORS control box under the hood, upper left. With this being a pre-03 there should be no issue with an e-brake bog (no switch).

Sounds like a fuel problem. Check for dirt or water in your float bowl. It sounds like the last time I had water in my tank.
Well today I disconnected the TORS and she fired right up but then died out again after 2 seconds even with the throttle in. Tried starting it again and it wouldn't start up. Put in a new plug and Decided to take the carb off and I sprayed it all down with carb cleaner. After I bolted it back up it seemed to run fine. Took it for a quick spin and it was hauling ass.

Hopefully the problem is fixed and it won't sh*t out on me again the next time I ride. Thanks for the help.
Sounds like crap in the carburetor float bowl. You need to clean out the carburetor completely and also clean out the tank to make sure any more crud doesn't get into the carburetor.